Pondscapes is dedicated to bringing your water feature dreams to life. See our work live and in action right here where you’ll find our most current projects, meet our crew members, and discover how we can help you create stunning, serene, and sacred places right at home or your place of work. You can also follow along on our YouTube channel here.

We hope to see you soon!.

TRANSFORMATION ~ Goodbye Fountain! Hello 18' long PONDLESS waterfall in a beautiful Arizona backyard

Check out this transformation in Mesa, Arizona! Our clients wanted to hear the sound of water but no longer wanted the fountain that was in their backyard, they wanted a ...beautiful waterfall. Our clients removed the fountain and PondscapesAz came in and transformed the space with the beautiful site and sound of a pondless waterfall. They will be able to sit outside and entertain all year long while enjoying this pondless waterfall.[+] Show More